beyond youth project

At BYP, we have designated classroom and learning areas, in order to provide Princes Trust education programmes, combined with functional skills schemes. We also have vocational skills areas from which we shall provide trade skills, with the aim of engaging students into new areas of learning. BYP also has a designated common room, providing a ‘break out’ area for the students which offers games, media, comfortable seating and a general space for recreational breaks and down times.

Our primary aim at BYP is to engage and challenge the students by providing access to different areas of education and learning, many of which fall outside of the general curriculum. We will offer specialist music and arts individuals, a full time teacher to deliver the educational programmes, and will also engage the students by providing activities such as forest school sessions, educational day trips, and daily physical training through martial arts and fitness at BBB.  BYP intends to work with BBB in order to provide the students with the opportunity to obtain qualifications in multiple areas of sport.  Each BYP student will also get free access to all BBB classes from 16:30 each day.

We believe that at BYP, we can help our students to work on those skills that will enable them to get back into mainstream school.  We hope to provide a second homefeeling, make a difference to each student that we mentor and teach and promote positive ‘can do’ attitudes to both education and real life settings.

In the first instance, we will be taking on students for 16 hours per week for 3 full days per week, but are happy to discuss individual requirements on a case by case basis.

We have been working with and along side local councils, multiple schools and organisations in this area for many years, or sport and mentoring has had a dramatic impact on the groups of children we have been able to work with consistently in this time period, so our jump to become a full time education centre and take the children on full time, with the addition of a scholarship in the evenings, doesn’t just provide a school environment, it provides a new community and positive social network to vulnerable young adults and children who prior to this would end up on the street, heading in the wrong direction. Every organisation we work with currently are very excited regarding our new project as we all know the positive impact we can achieve, we will get results.

Located 68 High Street Burton On Trent De141LE

Staffordshire connects link:

Beyond Youth Project | Staffordshire Connects

Our UK Register of Learning Providers number:
UKPRN: 10091476
Address: 68 High Street, Burton On Trent, Staffordshire,

DE14 1LE



Tel 01283 511711

Policy PDFS